A spontaneous Luminous Vast Open Even-ness... like the Open Sky,
That pre-exists as a deep and intimate Loving Vastness,
In which We are Already Free as its expression of Love and Compassion!
Remember the Space of Un-Conditioned L.O.V.E. Pre-Exists all around 360 degrees!
As an Un-Conditioned Loving Open Vast Even-ness!
This Un-obstructed Dynamic Aliveness is profoundly Self Aware with un-wavering continuous-ness!
This Space pre-exists, and Surrounds, Fills, Pervades Us and The All That IS... All the Time! ❤️.
Since this Space of UC - L.O.V.E. Pre-Exists, its Intense Potency is timelessly present!
Notice, Sense and Experience this for your self!
That pre-exists as a deep and intimate Loving Vastness,
In which We are Already Free as its expression of Love and Compassion!
Remember the Space of Un-Conditioned L.O.V.E. Pre-Exists all around 360 degrees!
As an Un-Conditioned Loving Open Vast Even-ness!
This Un-obstructed Dynamic Aliveness is profoundly Self Aware with un-wavering continuous-ness!
This Space pre-exists, and Surrounds, Fills, Pervades Us and The All That IS... All the Time! ❤️.
Since this Space of UC - L.O.V.E. Pre-Exists, its Intense Potency is timelessly present!
Notice, Sense and Experience this for your self!
Spontaneously Experiencing Even-ness (S.E.E) of Space
Notice and Sense the space between, around and inside each of the drinking glasses.
Left one precious, middle ordinary (so-so), right one crappy plastic.
Its the same space!
Spontaneously Evenly Pre-Existing between, around and inside each of the drinking glasses.
The Space Pre-Exits 360 degrees all over! All the same Space!
According to science 99% of all matter is just Open Space.
Notice and Sense the space between, around and inside each of the drinking glasses.
Left one precious, middle ordinary (so-so), right one crappy plastic.
Its the same space!
Spontaneously Evenly Pre-Existing between, around and inside each of the drinking glasses.
The Space Pre-Exits 360 degrees all over! All the same Space!
According to science 99% of all matter is just Open Space.