What is a Crystal Bed? A Crystal Bed is a remarkable healing device that involves a combination of crystal therapy (lithotherapy) and color therapy (chromotherapy), both of which utilize spiritual healing. In addition, healing music is usually played during a session.
A crystal bed has 7 extremely clear and highly polished quartz crystals suspended approximately 12 inches above the client who is lying on a bed or massage table. Each of the quartz crystals has been cut to a specific frequency. Each crystal is aligned above one of the seven human energy centers or chakras. Colored lights, chosen to match the chakra colors, radiate light and energy through the crystals to each respective chakra, and shine on and off in certain rhythms to cleanse, balance, and align one’s energies. The individual receiving the session bathes in the energy, as he/she rests face-up with eyes closed, and arms and legs uncrossed. People from around the world report deep healing experiences that not only occur during the session, but continue afterward.
How does the Crystal Bed work?
As already explained, the Crystal Bed combines the power of color therapy (chromotherapy) and crystal healing therapy (lithotherapy). As the color is transmitted through the crystal onto the corresponding chakra, the chakra is cleansed, energized, and brought into balance with all of the other chakras. This allows various aspects of oneself, whether it be mental, emotional, or physical, to be brought into balance. As these subtle energies are brought into balance, the body's own natural healing mechanisms are able to function as they were designed to. A Crystal Bed Healing cleanses, balances opens, and recharges the body's energy creating a deep relaxation. It is also a great preventative modality. In the end, we may not know exactly all the ways that it works, but we do know it does!
What will I experience during my Crystal Bed Healing? People feel all manner of sensations during and after sessions - pressure, weight, lightness, heaviness, hot, cold, wind, tickling, tingling, and other various body sensations. The Crystal Session can evoke feelings of peace and serenity, and typically a very deep relaxation. Some people simply fall asleep and wake up feeling very refreshed and renewed. Others experience insights and release of specific personal issues and memories. Some may see/sense the entities who are helping them and may even receive messages from them. Many report feelings of warmth, movement, expansion, cleansing, or a feeling of being touched. Some people feel sensations of physical healing taking place, as they feel the presence of the healing spirits working directly on their physical bodies. Some experience a shift in awareness into a higher, more expanded, state of consciousness. Some float back into past lives, and some have a feeling of great attunement to spirit. The experience is totally individual and unique to each person and to each session.
How do I prepare for my Crystal Bed Healing? You don’t need to do anything. In fact, leaving “doing” behind is ideal! Simply maintain an attitude of openness and receptivity. It is also helpful, but not essential, to contemplate before your session and create a specific intention or prayer of what you want help with (on any level: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual). You may also want to wear white clothing for your session, though it is not necessary.
How is a Crystal Bed Healing treatment conducted? A Crystal Bed Healing is safe and non-invasive. The person receiving the Crystal Bed Healing simply removes their shoes, and glasses and then lies fully clothed below the suspended crystals, so that each of the seven crystal aligns to the their corresponding chakra. (There is somebody to help with this.) Once the person is comfortable, a cloth is placed over their eyes. The lights in the room are dimmed, soft music is turned on, and finally the pulsating lights shining through the crystals are turned on. All the individual needs to do is relax, let go, or even fall sleep. Some like to say a prayer and/or state their gratitude and intent to the entities. After this, it is best the person just “let go and let God/Goddess”. The light, the crystals, and the healing spirit beings will do the rest.
Location: Northridge
Available times: Call or email us to make a reservation.
Monthly Membership**: $40 (1 session per month up to 75 minutes each session) $70 (2 sessions per month up to 75 minutes each session) $125 (4 sessions per month up to 75 minutes each session)
*Packages are good for 1 year.
**Monthly Membership will be automatically renewed each month until you decide to cancel. Sessions will not roll over to the next month. Whatever you do up to 4 sessions (or within the scope of your membership) in the month is up to you. For every 3 consecutive months that you are enrolled in Monthly Membership, you receive 1 free session that you can use in addition to your 4 sessions per month, or that you can gift or sell to someone else.
What do I do after a Crystal Bed Healing? No matter what the experience, it is advisable for you to rest after a Crystal Bed Healing session in order to fully absorb the experience. It is also recommended to drink several glasses of water over the next several hours (and even days) to help rid the body of any toxins or waste products which tend to be released through the cleansing action of the Crystal Healing. It also can be helpful to write down the experiences and guidance which can occur during the healing session, to help integrate and ground the experience into your life.
What longer-term effects can I expect after my "Crystal Bed Healing" Session?
As with many of Subtle Energy Healing Therapies, the FDA states no claims can be made that any disease states can be cured.
Many, many reports of personal healings occurring daily throughout the world with medical validation. Healing can occur on many different levels, spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. The Crystal Bed also can help open the connection with the Healing Spirit Guides.
Many people who have had "Crystal Bed Healing" Sessions have reported some of the following: -An increase of definitions in the senses (taste-food, sight-colors, touch-awareness) -Feeling more energized- clear thoughts- ability to focus -Feeling a deep relaxation- a connection to the earth and/or universe -Feeling more at peace within themselves- a balance of the chakras -Feeling less stressed and an increased sense of overall well being- increase in health -A deeper spiritual understanding of themselves, and their life situations -Gaining insights into their future life path and the evolution of Mother Earth -Gaining insights of the cause of disease states- looking inward into personal health -Receiving guidance as to how to best deal with their disease or problems